The Gospel according to Matthew is written by Levi the tax collector who writes the good news truth about Jesus and who He is, to the Jewish reader. The first few chapters, you can almost hear Matthew’s excitement about the revelation of Jesus as Matthew spends much of his time showing Jesus’ connection and fulfillment of Jewish (Old Testament) Law and prophecy. We see the reaction of people to Jesus. Those who should have known who Jesus is were either indifferent or angry at his appearance. Those who should not have recognized Him did, and reverently and diligently went to see Him; some at great personal expense.
In Matthew’s account, we see the devotion of Jesus’ earthly parents to God, to His commands, and their desire to be associated with the Law. Yet, we will see how they will continually be ostracized by the Law keepers and their selection (as the Messiah’s parents) questioned.
His childhood skipped in Matthew’s account, we then see Jesus at His baptism where He will identify Himself with the human race – so later He can be our perfect substitute – and we see the Trinity clearly. God Himself states that Jesus is His Son. The Holy Spirit is visible as it descends to rest upon Jesus and Jesus Himself coming out of the water. If there was any doubt in Jesus’ mind as to who was His Father, the doubt was erased at this time. Jesus now knows He is the very Son of God and the fulfillment of Law and prophecy. With that also comes the great responsibility of testifying to the truths of God and eventually being the perfect Passover Lamb of God. Heavy stuff to consider.
The Holy Spirit now urges Jesus into the dessert for a time of fasting. Jesus doesn’t know how long the fast will be. He doesn’t know that Satan will show up to test Him. We know it was 40 days because Jesus told His disciples it was 40 days and spoke of the encounter with Satan at the end of that fast. And what does Satan do? He tried to get Jesus to questions Himself, question who He is, not listen to God, disobey God and act on Satan’s wishes. With what? The same distractions he derails us – feel good, look good, have goods.
Jesus, knowing the very truths of God, accurately and in context, is able to stand firmly on God’s truths and stay firm on God’s course. He now emerges from the desert knowing that He, as man, is ready to move forward in the ministry God called Him to fulfill.
So what does Jesus say to launch His ministry? “You’re looking for God’s kingdom in the wrong places; you’re going in the wrong direction; you’re going the wrong way. Turn around! I’ll show you. Follow me; I know the way! In fact, I AM the WAY!”
Which leads us to Matthew 5 where Jesus says, “You thought the Kingdom of God was that; It’s really this.” Many of the characteristics of the Kingdom and the people of the Kingdom can be explained simply by saying that Kingdom people Love God, Love Others and Die to Self Interests. He explains that we are called to be the preservative of this world – the salt. If we were gone, then the world would in fact deteriorate into complete debauchery without our presence – without our bodies carrying God’s Will into the world – as a preservative sustaining it long enough for those who will choose God to actually choose Him. We are the light in this world where we show people the Way to God. “Jesus! This way!”
Jesus says He didn’t come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. So, for those who thought He was saying, “Hey anything goes,” he said no; the Law still holds true. For those who thought the Law ruled supremely, even to the point of religious rituals with exclusion and judgment of people; Jesus said no – God desired heartfelt actions of compassion and mercy over rituals and sacrificial offerings.
Then Jesus points to the heart of it all. He infers that there is no difference between someone who has thought about doing an action and the one who did the action. For the heart – your desires – are what trigger your actions. You can almost hear people saying, “I’m a good person. I’m going to heaven because I never”:
- Murdered anyone
- Didn’t cheat on my wife or husband
- Got a justified divorce
Jesus’ response was, “If you think that’s the case – you think it’s your hand that caused you to sin – then cut if off. When you continue to sin with only one hand, then you’ll know your sin was not caused by your hand but by your heart.” You can hear Adam saying, “God, it’s that woman you gave me; that’s why I sinned. It wasn’t my fault.”
We then read Jesus saying to be true to your word. There is no need to make elaborate oaths, putting up as collateral something you don’t own like God’s throne. Instead, let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.
So, you’ve been wronged by somebody and yes, the Law states “make the punishment fit the crime. Don’t make the punishment double the penalty of the crime – keep it as an eye for an eye.” However, why not try to let the person who hurt your feelings, or extorted something from you, be forgiven - don't justify yourself to hold it against the person and harbor ill feelings toward this person - then pray for that person. It’s easy to love the people who like you. Instead try loving the people who don’t like you. Now that’s the unconditional (agape’) love of your Father. When you can do that, then you possess the quality of love your Father in Heaven has for you.
Again, heavy stuff… but very practical, no nonsense explanations from Jesus.
Matthew 25:31-40; 9:13
Hosea 6:6
Leviticus 19 = 19:2; 19:5; 19:12; 19:17; 19:18
Leviticus 6:1-7
James 5:12; 2:14-26
Ecclesiastes 5:1-2; 7:1-5
Genesis 3:12
Isaiah 6:5; 66:2-3
Psalms 37:11; 51:16-17
Revelation 21:1
John 14:15
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