When I read God's Word, I hear Him speak

Since 1998, I have been reading God's Word nearly daily. Through my time with Him, I hear God speak to me. It's not audible. God just makes His Word evident to me. Those lessons are many times reinforced by messages delivered by teaching pastors and sharing with others who study God's Word. I used to write the messages in the margins of my Bible. Needless to say, my Bible is filling up with messages. In 2006, I started to be more intentional about writing God's lessons to me in a journal. Because God is just sharing so much with me, I feel the burning need to share with others. (Jeremiah 20:9) I am hoping that through this blog, folks will join me as we read, hear God and discuss what we've learned. This isn't so we can simply increase our knowledge about God or to spout off Scripture to impress people. This is so we can really come to know God, and get a greater meaning of His truths so we can go out and live them. God said that if we love Him, then we will obey His commands. (John 4:23-24) And James said don't just listen to (or read) the Word and think that's good enough; you're just deceiving yourself. Live the Word. (Rose's paraphrase of James 1:22) It's similar to this great quote people are passing around now... Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. So, join me as we learn from God and what He wants us to do. Then let's encourage one another to live it as a testimony to God so that people know He is who He says He is.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Marriage Reflects God's Identity

Genesis 1 through 3, Ephesians 5:22 through 5:33, Galatians 6:1-2

Why marriage? Why did God create or institute marriage? What is the role of marriage aside from procreation; "Be fruitful and multiple and fill the earth and subdue it..." Genesis 1:28.

Marriage was actually initiated at Creation and before the Fall of Mankind; at the creation of everything we know and don't know; at the creation of everything we see and don't see, God created marriage. (Genesis 2:24.) God Himself spoke Creation into being, and scooped the freshly made soil of earth to form mankind, then kissed Adam breathing His Ruach of God's life into him* - His Spirit shared with mankind (Genesis 2:7). God inhales and breaths out of Himself and into Adam His Spirit - inhale “Yah,” exhale “Weh”; Yahweh, the name of God sounding like God breathing His Spirit into mankind. Adam awakens to face God as Father and Creator, a revelation of the Lord God. He knew God in an intimate way that we probably will not understand until we pass from this life to be present with God in a visible and tangible way. (*Quote from Joby Martin)

It's fascinating to see marriage present in the very first chapter of Torah, the Old Testament of the Bible. In the order of creation, following the creation of livestock, creeping things and beasts, Mankind is created on the sixth day. It's inferred that prior to God resting on the seventh day, creating a Sabbath rest to honor Himself and note His confidence in the completion of His creation, God created Mankind (male and female) and instituted marriage where marriage is a command from God to mankind ensuring man is not alone. 

When God created the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, livestock, creeping things and beasts of the earth (land), God said to His Triune Self, "Let Us create man (humankind) in Our image (likeness). And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens (skies) and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
So God created man (mankind) in His own image (reflection),
in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.
And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." (Genesis 1: 26-28 ESV emphasis added by Rose)
In the Creation process and following, "It is not good for man to be alone," God created Woman from Man then presented Woman to Man declaring the unit is to cling to one another and become one flesh, living in such a way that they appear to be one unit. When God presents Eve to Adam, the image of the father presenting his daughter, the bride, to the bridegroom is seen. Within the Genesis of everything God created contains this coupling relationship of marriage.

This unit created in the image of God is now reflecting God's Being on earth as God is in Heaven where God is Triune as, 1) God the Father, 2) God the Son, 3) God the Spirit. On earth at the genesis of the revelation of God there is, 1) mankind as male, 2) mankind as female, 3) the Spirit of God present and active within each person, giving life and joining them together as one flesh. Husband and wife joined together with the physical presence of God within them reflecting the Triune God Himself. This is why God said it is not good for man to be alone because He is not alone. God exists in three persons. Through the breathing of God's Holy Spirit into mankind, and the joining of husband and wife with the Spirit of God present, the three live as one being reflecting the Triune God.

Perhaps, the reason why marriage is so fiercely under attack by God’s enemy is because the act of marriage, the actions of a married couple, and the institution of marriage somehow represents the Triune God. Perhaps marriage is to represent the Triune God on earth as He is in Heaven. 

In Ephesians, Paul calls marriage a mystery as it represents Christ’s relationship to the church (Ephesians 5:32). For the relationship of Jesus Christ to the saved body of people from all eternity, a marriage is used to describe how Jesus relates to this body (the gathering, ecclesia, the church). As a husband and wife act towards one another in mutual submission of one's power to the other for the benefit of the other, the benefit of the union, the benefit of the family, this reflects how Jesus relates to His people the church. 

The act of submitting to one another in marriage, as Paul also describes, is the way the husband and wife mimic and reflect Christ as husband and the church as bride, which is about the act of being meeked to the other, by restraining the sinful tendencies to be self-centered. 

Meek is a military horse term where a powerful horse was trained to accept the rider and his direction. Upon being meeked, the horse is still a powerful horse, unafraid of battle, strong, ready to charge into battle at the shout of the command to go. However, the horse now submits to the rider's direction and command so it charges into battle on command and under the direction of the rider. To be meek is strength under control. And so, a married couple is called to submit their power and abilities to the benefit of the other person in order to work together as a unit. We are to love and respect the gift of the other person as a like kind, power and nature as God created, identified and co-joined calling the union marriage. 

At the onset, marriage in creation was one man and one woman joined by the presence and infilling of the Holy Spirit. God had breathed His Spirit into Adam to put His life into mankind which is the revelation of God also called Light; the Spirit reveals God to mankind as well as being a life giving empowerment to the image bearer. 

Upon creating Woman as a like kind in nature and power yet, making her different though being complimentary (female to male), Woman was and still is a like kind in nature and power. With the physical presence of God's Spirit, this triune being represents God in trinity form with the unit's ability to operate, create, and fulfill its purpose of  "subdue the earth" and have "dominion over" created earth. The three together are a strengthened unit over the single being. This echoes what Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes  4:12 (NIV), "A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Marriage was and is to be Man, Woman, God.

This tri-union states something profound about God and His relationship with Himself and us. It is compared to the intimate, loving, self-sacrificing relationship between husband and wife. Even the joy that comes with a sexual relationship was created by God. That fact will make you stop and ponder, considering how that sexual joy reflects the joy God enjoys as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He wanted us to experience that joy of united relationship and God's gift for that experience is sexual relationship within marriage. And from that joy the fruit of new life is created.

With all of these aspects of marriage it is no wonder why divorce, adultery, sexual perversion and promiscuity are an affront to God the Creator. We - mankind - are the only ones in all of Creation that were created in the image of God, filled with His Spirit with the command to replicate through physical union, subdue the earth and have authority over all created things on the earth. He created everything then created His dwelling on earth as it is in Heaven, to have a place to share with beings created in His image to enjoy an eternal relationship with the Creator Himself, within the Kingdom of the revealed God, His Kingdom of Light called Day. 

Yet, as God revealed Himself prior to creation then spoke everything into being with a Word of pure authority and truth, He knew mankind would sin and fall short of truly reflecting His being and purpose. We sin (syn), where an arrow shot misses the bullseye, we miss the mark of reflecting God in His perfection, to fulfill the very purpose for which humankind was created. Where God fulfills His purpose, each human is to fulfill his God given purpose as God endowed. (Be teleos as your heavenly Father is teleos. Matthew 5:48) And so He planned and launched the redemption of mankind. At that completion, He will recreate all of Creation to be void of being self-centered; void of a Kingdom of Self, which is the kingdom ruled by self called Darkness or Night. 

When we join together in marriage, one man with one woman, and invite God into that marriage as priority to the union's health and purpose, we enter into a union ordained by God - a unit purposed by God - and a union counter cultural to selfish mankind. This union is active in benefiting the marriage unit over self as iron sharpens iron, learning to be humble, restraining the desire of self (meek), to produce fruit and benefit the family of offspring and creation over self. 

This doesn’t happen overnight, it’s not easy and we married couples hurt our partner and our families deeply and multiple times. Yet, with God as active guide and present empowerment, we learn to love the other person for his/her benefit over ourselves. We learn to truly love as God loves, without condition or limit, also understanding that this marriage is a continuous work in progress. 

Marriage becomes a true working unit, a true friendship, with true intimacy and an enduring love that sustains through fierce trials. When sexual intimacy wains, the unit gives way to closeness in presence with words and actions of love and respect.

Marriage is the environment to grow closer to God and shape your life in ways you would never contemplate without marriage. 

It’s a beautiful gift when lived with God and with loving one another in a sacrificial way. We must understand our purpose as husband and wife and trust-in and rest-on God to continue to live as He created. 

How should Marriage have Worked before the Fall? 

Looking at Genesis 3, Ephesians 5:22 through 5:33 and Galatians 6:1-2

Many of us have read the story of the fall of mankind presented in Genesis chapter 3. It's an easy story to read and we think we understand the main outcome. However, have we ever read this sad chapter and asked ourselves and God, "How should Eve and Adam have acted in this situation with the serpent?" And for this exercise the question is, "How should the marriage have acted in this situation to prevent the fall of mankind?" What was God's intent for marriage? If marriage reflects the Triune God on earth as God is in Heaven, then how should the unit of Man + Woman + Holy Spirit have acted in this situation?

What is interesting in this entire dynamic, is that God gave created, living beings the gift of choice. We each have the choice to believe God at His very word and to trust fully in God and His abilities or not and choose to trust only in self. We have the choice to turn towards God and ask for His assistance and guidance or not. This is the crux of a right relationship with God.

In the situation of Genesis 3, there are three created, living things: the serpent, Woman and Man. For the purpose of this reasoning, we will eliminate the demonic possession of the serpent by God's enemy.

The serpent approaches the Woman and Man, in God's garden on earth, and twists God's words trying to overcome the couple through confusion. “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” (Gen. 3:1, emphasis added by Rose)

A quick comparison of God's actual words in Genesis 1:29 and 2:15-17 shows God saying, 

Genesis 1:29–30
[29] And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. [30] And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. (ESV)

Genesis 2:15–17
[15] The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. [16] And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, [17] but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (ESV)

According to the chronological order of the Genesis of Creation, God said His command in Genesis 2:15-17 prior to saying, "It is not good that man should be alone," thereby making Woman out of Man. So He commanded Adam to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then God created Woman.

Genesis chapter 1 is a broad overview of Creation which reflects God’s identity and glorifies Him. Genesis chapter 2 provides more detail in the relationship Man has with God, God's involvement of Man with the final details of His creation of earth and everything in it, and His purpose for mankind on earth.

However, reflecting back on chapter 1, it seems that all of creation was finished, all commands given to Man and Woman, for God rested on day seven establishing the Sabbath to honor Him and for His creation to enjoy the relationship established for each living thing with its Creator.

And so, Adam may have been the only one to hear the command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but, both Adam and Eve (as well as the creatures) were given the pleasure to enjoy all vegetation for food. Needless to say, if Adam was the only being to hear this exception command, he should have spoken with Eve concerning all God shared especially an action that led to death.

And so, we see the serpent approach both Woman, with Man standing by her, with a question that is false. Did God say you may not eat of any tree, when God said you may surely eat of every tree in the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

How should have the unit of Man + Woman acted in this scenario? How should they have discerned what was said to them? 

Paul gives us insight on how the husband and wife should (have) act(ed). In Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he specifically speaks to the working relationship of husband and wife as a unit, as each person's role to Christ and to the church. The word submit is used and many read the word with today's western context and not the context of the time the letter was written. 

According to Paul, the wife is to submit to her husband, as to the Lord or as the church submits to the Lord Jesus Christ. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. For the husband, Paul extorts the husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word (John 15:3), so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.

It would actually be easier to read these exhortations in reverse to see the love become gratitude to serve the other for the benefit of the whole unit over only self benefit.

The husband is to stand as protector, between his wife and the threat to save her - his body - from attack. He then turns to face her to speak God's Word to her thereby washing her in truth to remove the lie spoken at her/over her/to her by the attacker. As Paul also writes in Galatians 6:1-2: Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual (with the Spirit) should restore him (her) in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

Next and out of gratitude, the wife should yield her strength and ability to choose self over unit, to her husband and his benefit just as we the church yield ourselves to the benefit of the ecclesia and to God's glory. There are times when the woman can stand between attacker and her husband, when he is under threat, which defines her God-given name Ezer Kenegdo. Yet, for this exercise, we will stick to Paul's letter and Genesis 3.

When we compare Paul's words, for husbands and wives, to Genesis three's conversation between the serpent and the woman (with Adam quietly standing behind Eve), and compare Paul's words to the curse God pronounced on all three beings in Genesis 3:14-19, we see the failure of both Adam as husband and Eve as wife.

God says to Adam that he did not listen to His words He commanded Adam about the one and only tree to not eat fruit from, choosing to listen to his wife, Man shall now struggle with a fruitless life of toiling hard with little reward only to die and return to the dirt from which he was created (a reverse of creation). We see that God calls out Adam for not trusting God, for being selfish to remain silent during this subtle attack, to not protect his wife from the attacker by stepping between Eve and the serpent. And Adam failed to turn to face Eve to wash her with God's truth spoken to Adam. Eve will now experience pain in her role as life multiplier - childbirth - which is a fruitful experience, an act of creating. And she will desire her husband - she will desire to rule over her husband which caused her selfish act, and yet her husband will rule over her. In the act, both chose self over God and self over the other as part of the married union. 

Of particular note, neither Adam nor Eve stopped the conversation with the serpent to turn to God and ask Him His truth, which could have been and should have been their first action. After all, God is known to walk with both Man and Woman in His Garden on earth, enjoying relationship. His Spirit was alive and present in the relationship connecting man and woman together, and mankind with God in a tangible way. In this scenario, the Spirit of God allows Man and Woman to enjoy free choice with all of its benefits and consequences.

As a unit of like nature and power yet complimentary different, man and woman should have operated as one body. When Eve chose self over married unit, Adam should have stepped into her path to protect, correct and speak God's truth over her to bring her back into right relationship with him and God. (The reverse can be done as well. If Adam had stepped out of line, Eve could have done the same by yielding her strength to protect and benefit Adam and their union over Adam’s choice of self first.)

Sadly, we can only assume that both Eve through her actions and Adam through his non-actions, both vacating their God ordained purpose, chose the perception of selfish gain over their relationship with one another and with God, as individuals and as a married unit. And as we read Scripture, we see this pattern sadly repeated over and over again with the people in the Bible. The curse from Genesis 3 is played out time and again where the curse is a result of seeking self over the other person and self over God, rather than a punishment issued by God. 

Marriage is a Mystery Representing God's Identity

As we read about the coming of Jesus in the Old Testament, during His life on earth, and His future coming, we see the relationship of God with His saved people - His church - depicted as marriage. From the way Jesus saves and washes clean His bride, to the betrothal, the wedding ceremony and the establishment of the recreated Kingdom of God, we see marriage. 

Here are a few examples. Jesus launches His public ministry at a wedding (John 2:1-12). Some of His parables of the Kingdom of God use wedding ceremonies as examples (Matthew 9:14-15, 22:1-14, 25:1-13.) The woman’s lost coin was a bridal dowry coin, where a bride wore 10 coins worth a day’s wage each, in a headband (Luke 15:8-10). Solomon’s prophetic journal Song contains the intimacy of marriage while also depicting the arrival of himself (and King Jesus) as the Bridegroom (Song of Solomon 3:6-11, 4:9). Jesus explaining He is the way to God uses wedding visuals (John 14:1-3). Prior to Jesus’s physical return to earth, His marriage to His bride the church is celebrated as the Wedding Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:6-10). And the arrival of Heaven on Earth for the recreated future depicts the new Jerusalem as the Bride adorned for her Husband Jesus (Revelation 21:1-2, 9-27, 17). Finally, John the Baptist compares himself as the bridegroom's best man standing beside the Bridegroom (Jesus) as he claims His bride. (John 3:25-30)

As we read the Bible, we see marriage used and depicted all through Scripture where marriage somehow reflects the identify of God Himself and His relationship with mankind. Perhaps marriage is more significant than we realize, approach and treat it. I look forward to the day when we see the realization of what marriage should be. 


Notes of Interest 

Note: There were two trees in God's Garden on earth. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God uses trees as testimonies to Himself and His character. There are olive trees that stand in His temple as a testimony to His supremacy and how He saved mankind for a people to Himself. Within the Garden of Eden - God's Garden on Earth - there are two trees placed by God; 1) the Tree of Life, and 2) the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. These trees are testimonies to the God of Creation. He gives abundant and eternal life. He has the knowledge of good and evil, and He has power over both. These trees in God's earthly garden, stand as testimony to God. According to Genesis chapters 1 and 2, if their fruits are consumed by mankind, the product of the tree is passed to mankind. 

Note: The curse pronounced over Adam in Genesis 3:17-19, speaks of a life that contains continued hard work for little fruit. The fruit of Adam's decision to choose self over God is thorns and thistle. The fruit of sin is hard work for little real fruit, with a majority of his work's produce being thorns, thistles (more thorns), death thereby returning to dust. When Jesus was crucified, His crown was made of thorns; His crown was made of the curse. Jesus embodied mankind's curse on the cross. His crown had to be made of thorns in order to kill sin, death and the curse, once and for all.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Look at what God does through You!

 “We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints— and this, not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The Macedonian’s gave eagerly out of an attitude of gratitude and God multiplied their giving like multiplying the loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:13-21). 

When we change our attitude (from self) to gratitude, God multiplies what we give back to Him. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Crushing

The series, The Crushing
1- top: Cup of Acceptance ~ The Drink Offering, October 2022
2 - bottom: Testimony ~ He's in the Waiting, May 2020

Two years in the completion. Several years in the thinking. Four years in the processing. Eleven years in the living. This series represents a very personal time in my life depicting my ever-growing relationship with the Lord God - Yahweh - God is three in One who is Father, Son and Spirit.

I've not completed artwork like this, in a very long time. Nor have I ever completed a series. My artwork is typically gifts for family and friends, depicting a specific subject matter as an expression of love for that person.
The Crushing series is my first time stepping into the realm of emotional art with symbolism composing the subject matter. In this case, the series is my journey with-God and because-of-God, that caused me to stop thinking about God one way and, consider Him as He says He is. It depicts a personal processing journey that began in 2013, which helped me process what I experienced and learned from 2011 to 2022. During that time my faith in God was shaken from its perception, to mature it further into more of His reality. It's a shared experience of following God and how I viewed Him which has propelled me into my next relationship phase. (It's a phase because God cannot mature me quickly as I cannot handle Him fully, yet.)

This series The Crushing is a pictorial of several journal entries where I reasoned with God, through the Scripture God used to speak to me along with commentary from family, friends, songs and messages from a variety of pastors. God would reason with me through His Word, mainly so I would stop thinking about Him in an immature way and consider Him as He is. He was growing me, pruning me, stretching me, testing me. And He allowed me to wrestle everything with Him, in very raw ways.
I felt crushed. Sacrificed. Poured out. Buried. And many times, wondering why God allowed me to be in lonely, dark places. I was heavily in Psalm 117 and 118 from 2013 to 2016, afterwards realizing that Jesus sang Psalm 118 while leaving the upper room on His final earthly Passover dinner, walking down and through the Kidron Valley, leading up to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives where He would achingly pray to Father God to remove the cup of God's wrath from His immediate future. For some reason, the Lord shared this Psalm with me, speaking to me through it, which now permeates my artwork in this series. 
After painting Testimony, I learned (or relearned) the meaning of the word Gethsemane, "where the olives are squeezed (for oil)" or "the crushing". Relearned because I had noted the meaning in my Bible one time earlier yet forgot that meaning. Now Gethsemane means something personal to me so, I won't forget it.

The Symbolism

Olives and grapes > two fruits are grown to be crushed for products used in worshiping the One True God; olives and grapes. Olives to produce the oil used for anointing, blessing, offerings, healing, lighting lamps and is an emblem for sovereignty. Grapes for wine used as offerings, consummating, celebrating and ceremonial symbolism with the primary symbol of the shed blood of Jesus.

Olive tree > a symbol of new beginnings, peace, reconciliation, wisdom, truce, anointing of the Holy Spirit, the two witnesses at the end (Revelation 11:4). In Zachariah 4, God uses olive tree symbols to speak to Zerubbabel and Joshua concerning not trusting in financial or military resources but to trust in the power of God's Holy Spirit. Olive trees are tough, equipped to handle drought, sub-zero temperatures, desert conditions, fire and are extraordinarily resilient, whose roots are so strong, they can regrow even when the tree seems completely dead. Olive trees are present within His eternal temple standing as testimony to who He is and how we view Him. 

“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭52‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Grape vine > Jesus is said to be the vine and we His branches. In this painting, the vine is pruned in the Spur Pruning method, which I selected because it was symmetrical for the composition. Yet that method resembled the menorah in the tabernacle and temple, which is lit by olive oil. (I liked how the grape vine related visually to the olive tree.) A menorah has seven cups so this spur pruned vine has seven short arms with seven spurs coming off the two main cross arms forming the head of the vine also called a crown. There is so much symbolism in this representing Jesus and naturally, three clusters of grapes represent God in Trinity. Grape vines produce the best grapes for wine if they struggle while growing in volcanic, rocky soil instead of rich, earthy soils.
Snail > a snail is a pre-Byzantine symbol for someone who died and was planted (buried) into the ground like a seed. According to my friend who studies pre-Byzantine bone boxes, a snail was carved onto the side of the bone box to symbolize a seed because if a seed was carved it would look like a dot thereby not conveying the meaning desired. 
The olive and grape seeds > each seed represents a fruit that has died, was planted, sprouts, and has within it everything needed to grow into a fully fruiting tree or vine, now producing more fruit than the one seed (one fruit) it was previously. I once read that the last thing to produce on a fruit tree is the fruit so, this symbolism depicts a lifetime journey and a legacy one can enjoy through God's work within you.
The seed planted > The seed knows not what it will become or if anything is happening. All it sees is lonely darkness and isolation. It doesn't see the gardener working, removing rocks and weeds, tilling the soil, watering, guarding against pests, fungus and invasives. Meanwhile the gardener all along is working to provide the best environment for the seed to sprout, grown, mature and fruit... pruning inclusive. (He is in the waiting.)
Spilled glass of wine > a drink offering where you pour out to God a symbol of yourself surrendering fully to Him and His will.
The mountains > honestly, when I painted Testimony, I simply painted what seemed to be a representation of a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern olive grove. After naming the forthcoming series The Crushing, knowing I would paint a grape vine version, with Testimony hanging on my wall, I realized the scene resembled Gethsemane. That's when the meaning of Gethsemane was rediscovered. The meaning in my painting only came from God which perfectly fit the message. He truly led me to paint what I painted.
"Look girls; olive trees!" > In 2017, Chauncey and I took Lauren, Sarah and Lauren's then boyfriend (now husband) to Napa Valley to introduce Russell to our family's love of wine, our favorite wineries and the friends we made there. My husband booked a complete agriculture based tour with our member wineries since Russell is a 6th generation, Florida farmer. It was one of the best Napa experiences we have had. While there, we noticed the predominance of olive trees near vineyards which we started pointing out for fun. Russell would exclaim, "Look girls; olive trees!" And so I painted an olive tree first. As a result, along with the cherished memory of tulips in our family, olive trees and wine vineyards, have special memories and places in our collective family heart. So much so that Lauren and Russell were married (in 2019) at a vineyard, where the flowers were tulips mixed with olive branches. Russell even planted Lauren an olive tree at his family's farm.

Funny how God works...

Journal Entry

This is the main post that spurred on the need to visually paint Crushing. It lists the other posts leading to this series. "A Word for Me... Redefined".
Artistic Influence
When I decided to paint Testimony, I wanted to push my style beyond my normal style of painting and illustration. Since 2015, I moved from impressionistic illustrations with oil pastels and began painting, or drawing with acrylic paints. My style has always been a post-impressionistic approach where I simply sketch out an idea and create allowing the artwork to evolve as necessary. I love Van Gogh's quote of, "I dream of painting then I paint my dreams," which represents how I approach art. Reflecting on my style, I realized I am more like the artists of the post-impressionistic period called fauvists. Vincent Van Gogh and Raoul Dufy (Due-fay) were fauvists while Claude Monet was an impressionist. I settled on Raoul Dufy because he drew quick scenes with his paint brush using bright colors - I love bright colors - and colors used were for emotion and not reality. 

Then in July 2022, Chauncey and I visited France for our first real vacation in four years. He booked tours to Claude Monet's home, Vincent Van Gogh's last residence, and we walked to the Museum of Modern Art Paris to see the Salle Dufy installation where his most recognized painting resides. This painting took 10 months to complete with assistants when Mr. Dufy was 60 years old - La Fée Électricité 1937. (I turned 60 this year.) The painting weighs 10 tons, with 1 ton of paint used and is the largest painting in the history of the world. To see this painting in person was mind blowing and something I will never forget; truly inspiring. Needless to say both Testimony and Cup of Acceptance are in the style of Raoul Dufy; Cup of Acceptance has a hint of Van Gogh and maybe a little Salvador Dali.
Rose & Raoul, Paris July 2022 (photo by Chauncey)


 Addendum November 19, 2022

Today while watching the “Extras” within the app for The Chosen, I came across this video about the Garden of Gethsemane and the olive grove. God doesn’t do coincidences; He confirms a message He is teaching!

Use the link to download the Angel app and watch The Chosen in Israel: The Garden from The Chosen

Monday, February 28, 2022

True Wisdom; Excerpts from Solomon's Journal

Ecclesiastes 2:13-14 ESV

"Then I saw that there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness. The wise person has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness."

Rose's translation:

Then I saw that there is more gain in being wise than being foolish, as there is more gain in knowing God than not knowing Him. The wise person has God's sight impact his thoughts but, the fool makes decisions based on his blindness to God.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Honor through Trust

Numbers 20:1-13; Deuteronomy 5:12-15

Part of my study of Sabbath, rest, trust - thoughts on Scritpture

God ceased His work of creation on day seven. He trusted in Himself; trusted His planning. Trusted His work was complete; that He thought of every detail. Anticipated everything. Felt secure in what He did, established, instituted, created, and set into motion. Because, He trusted in who He is. He is complete and trustworthy.

Thus His resting made day seven special (unique). A day honoring God and God's resting, ceasing, trusting in His completeness; His wholeness. He needed nothing else. Therefor the day honored God, not God submitting to the day.

So when I work on the Sabbath, when my soul, mind and heart yearn to rest, I am seeking to provide myself a rest that I cannot accomplish nor provide. I am not trustworthy to myself so therefor what I try to accomplish apart from God, cannot provide me a trustworthy peace and contentment. 

Instead, I am not wholly trusting in God who has provided me a lavish life filled with everything I need and more. I am not trusting in a God who has been with me all my life; shown Himself in undeniable ways. Proven He is who He says He is. Instead, I am trying to trust in myself to settle my heart and mind instead of trusting in the very and only God of my life - my heart and mind.

Oh Lord, forgive me. How often have I not honored You and misplaced my honor into myself instead of You. Help me to understand that I get to rest. I get to trust You fully and completely, for You are worthy of that trust. You have given me the gift of placing my trust into You. To rest on You. A gift to share with You, my husband, my family and others. A gift that when I accept it by trusting in You, that action becomes a visible sign to others that You are the one and only living God who loves me and them enough to gift us with Yourself. Your trustworthy plans for us and Your complete rest as we trust You fully.

I can trust You.

Will I?



Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Behold; He is making all things new

 "...I will put My laws in their minds and write them on their hearts... " Hebrews 8:10

God will write His laws in my mind and on my heart. 

I will be able to think God's thoughts. I will think the thoughts God intends me to think, as He will re-wire my brain to think His thoughts, and not think thoughts of self over God and over all else. 

I will be able to desire God's desires. My wants and intentions will be God's wants, His passions, His plans. I will not want self over everything else because, God will instinct-fully knit His ability to desire the things of God within my heart. 

I will no longer be directed by the innate demand of self over God. I will no longer be directed by sin itself. Sin will be removed from my mind and heart, and replaced by God's framework. Never to be thought of again. Never to guide my being again. Replaced completely. Removed from who I am.

I will be remade into the image of God Himself. Reflecting God, naturally. Innately. As He intended. Without manufacturing thought, love, action. With the freedom and ability to love Him fully. Know Him intimately. Trust Him completely. 

I will be His people and He will be my God. I will be His daughter fully, and He will be my Father truly. 

Behold... He is making me new.

Addendum January 19, 2022

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable and pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my [firm, immovable] rock and my Redeemer.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭19:14‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Rest Now and Later

 Hebrews 2 through 4, 4:1-13; Isaiah 30:15

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it." Isaiah 30:15

Therefore, since the promise of entering His rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed. Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said,

“So I declared on oath in my anger,
    ‘They shall never enter my rest.’”

And yet His works have been finished since the creation of the world. For somewhere He has spoken about the seventh day in these words: “On the seventh day God rested from all His works.” And again in the passage above He says, “They shall never enter my rest.”

Therefore since it still remains for some to enter that rest, and since those who formerly had the good news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience, God again set a certain day, calling it “Today.” This He did when a long time later He spoke through David, as in the passage already quoted:

“Today, if you hear His voice,
    do not harden your hearts.”

For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from His. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:1-13


What is rest? When God speaks of entering His rest, do we know what rest is? We strive to rest every day. Rest from work, from chores, from duties, from responsibilities. "One more thing; let me get this one more thing done and then, I can rest." Rest from stressful situations; that there would be an end, a positive end so it can be mindfully put to bed and rest. No one calling, texting, emailing, messaging. No one wanting a piece of you allowing you to rest. Rest. Sitting, laying down, walking without a thought or care, breathing deeply. Appreciating breath, life, those around us. Rest. Stopping the incessant nagging of life, pulling at your very being, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Sound. Noise. Ding, click, buzz. Flash. Lights, camera, action. Rest.

Where is rest? When is it time to rest? Now or later? What does rest look like? Feel like?


In the future, we hope to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter your Father's rest," spoken to us by God Himself. Is that the rest we are striving for? In the future? Some eternal future? What about now? What about today? Do we get to rest now?

God gave us a promise to enter into His rest. A rest from our work. A rest now. Today. Not just in the future. Not just during the eternal future but, here and now. Today.


The promise is for today, and the future. Rest now and later.

Think about rest. Think about the context of, "...on the seventh day, God rested from His work." 

God, the Triune God of Father, Son, Spirit - Mind, Body, Spirit - already existed. He loved Himself. He enjoyed Himself. He is sovereign and perfect already. Needing no one or nothing to complete Himself, He wanted to create Creation to both enjoy all of Creation and to pour Himself into Creation so that all of Creation can also enjoy Him. The relationship between Creation and God was a physical extension of the Triune God relationship. Yet, He knew that one-third of His created angels would turn away from Him choosing self over God. (The ultimate sin; the very definition of sin.) He knew Mankind would follow suit where an untold percentage would choose self over God. Yet, God planned Creation, how to create all of it, in what order, how Creation would obey His authority instinct-fully whether each ultimately chose God or not. God created a plan to save Mankind, within Creation, knowing we beings would need saving from ourselves. Then God created everything. In the order He planned, with His authority knit into Creation's existence and instinct. After all of Creation was created, God rested from His work.

This was more than resting from the act of working. God rested knowing what He created and planned for all time, was complete and not lacking anything. God trusted in His plans. He trusted in His abilities to fulfill those plans, as He planned. He would not, did not, will not deviate from His plans. He would not worry that He missed something within those plans. Missed a detail. Forgot something. Did not anticipate something. Be surprised or shocked by someone or something He did not plan for. He trusted in Himself and all He planned and created. He knew what He did, how everything would play out, how everyone would act, and that His plans needed no adjusting. No tweaking. No, "Oops, I didn't realize this would..." He rested from His work. He trusted in Himself.

Rest. Trust.

When God invites us to rest, He is not inviting us to rest from physical labor. Rest from our efforts both personally and professionally. Resting from the things and activities of life. No. Jesus actually said, "My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working." John 5:17

Resting is trusting. Trusting that God is God. God is who He said He is. That God is sovereign, all mighty, all knowing, all seeing, hearing, present, and defined by love without conditions. That He is capable of fulfilling His promises and plans. Willing to fulfill His promises and plans. That He knows everything about us. Every detail, thought, action taken, word spoken. He knew us before He created us. So therefor, we can trust God. Trust in Him. Trust Him to do what God said He would do.

As a result, we can turn away from our desire to control our lives and work out our plans. Plans that place self in God's role. Plans that remove God from our lives. Plans to benefit self over all else. Working to perfect ourselves. Hide our mistakes. Correct the issues we have caused or take on someone else's ill steps to correct. Because we can solve it; we can perfect it. Our plans are better than God's. He's unaware of an action taking place, a reason, a justification. If God would just do it our way, it would be better. Rest from self, from the demand of self.

Our prayers, if we pray, reflect this self over God. We think we can save ourselves. Save others. 

Really? We can save ourselves and others? So, what is our definition of salvation? 

God's definition of salvation is to save mankind from the mortal decision to choose self over God and the current and eternal repercussions for that continuous decision; that continuous demand of self.

This is a battle, a war so to speak. The battle of control. Control over all of Creation. The control over mankind. The battle to free ourselves from the slavery to self which is not of God; the very definition of sin - not God. In fact, the word Gospel is "good news proclaimed by a messenger sent to the people - a messenger from the king - that the battle for control over his kingdom has been won. We are now free from the oppressor, the enemy of our king." So, if a king saw his people being oppressed by an enemy, and engaged in that battle for control. And if that king steps into the fray, battles the enemy on behalf of his people and wins. Sends his messenger to proclaim the victory. And if some of those people refuse to accept the victory from their king and instead choose to align with the enemy of the king, you can understand why God says, "So, I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest."

We who choose the enemy of God instead of God, after He has created all of us knowing our choices leading to failures, knowing our propensity to place self on our lives' thrones. The Sovereign God has provided access to a kingdom of freedom from oppression and control. A kingdom where the King rules with justice, rightness, complete and unconditional love. A kingdom where our good, our access to the king, and our relationship with the king are priorities. And yet, we choose to walk away from that King, we can understand why God says we will never enter His rest.

His rest is part of that salvation process. It's the act of choosing and trusting in God as God. As sovereign God. As Lord of all Creation.

God describes rest as a part of the act of salvation and invites us into that process, today. Today; when you hear God's voice, do not harden your heart. 

Today; when you hear God prompting you to turn away from the demand of self, replace that demand by turning away from self and turning to rest in God, who God is, who He says He is, and what He is able to do. Trust that God already knows every detail about you, your life, what you're thinking, desiring, doing. What is being impressed upon you, thrust upon you. What you can and cannot control. Rest from that demand of self over you and everything else. Rest in God. Lean against Him, putting your full weight onto Him and into Him. Allowing Him to work out the details He planned. Knowing that, "...in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and are called (by Him) according to His purpose (His plans for you, others and mankind)." Romans 8:28 (Emphasis and explanation added by Rose)

There is freedom in resting. Freedom knowing that we do not need to strive to answer and obey the unceasing demands of self. Freedom to ignore the god of self and turn to the God of Creation. Freedom knowing that God, through His Spirit, has searched, is searching, will continue to search your heart (will) and mind (thoughts). He knows our thoughts, intentions, and actions before we know those things. He knew all details about us before He created us. Before we thought, spoke, acted. "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account." Hebrews 4:13

And yet, God still loves us. Still calls us. Still uses every detail of our lives to fulfill His purpose. Complete His plans. Complete the work He set into motion at the beginning of time. As long as it is Today, God will continue to call, invite, work on our behalf. 

Rest. Freedom. 

Freedom from worry. Freedom from the constant pull to be in control of everything. Freedom from the, "If everyone did it my way, everything would be better." Freedom from the repercussions of our decisions, and from the results of the decisions others thrust upon us. 

Rest. Trust. Freedom. 

There is freedom knowing what rest God invites us into. It is rest from what we are striving for in life, today. Rest is not stopping your work. Not simply sitting still or emptying your mind of thought to provide an opportunity to rejuvenate. Yes, that type of rest is also critically needed for wellness of being both for self and the relationship between God and yourself; God and myself. Yet, God’s rest gives freedom to be with Him. A freedom to be present with God placing your full trust into God.

The Sabbath day was created for mankind and not that mankind was created to keep the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27) During Sabbath, a person is supposed to stop the focus on self and, replace that time spent with a focus on God. Reflecting on God. Communing with God. Talking with, praying, praising, thanking. A day of reflection and gratitude for all God has done with us, through us, for us. The Sabbath day is a physical representation of the rest God invites us into - Today. Sabbath is to be a day spent with God, without the interruption and interference of selfish thoughts and actions. However, Sabbath was not meant to be a time when we ignore critical needs or urgencies. Nor a time to ignore family communing together with one another and family with God. 

However, this Sabbath rest that God invites us to enter into, is completely and fully trusting in God while letting go of the call to control. Letting go of the call to be god of our lives. The nagging demand of self. The slavery to self.

We are invited to rest Today. Now. And later.

So, Today. When you hear the call of self and, you hear the call of God, turn from that demand of self. Turn to God and His invitation to allow Him to fulfill His plans in you, for you. His plans for your good. Plans for our good. For my good. To finish the good work He began in us, in me. He knows. He sees. He understands. He is able, He is trustworthy. We can rest in Him. I can rest in Him.

"Well done, good and faithful servant... Enter your Father's rest." Matthew 25:23